Karla Kauffman
Licensed Massage Therapist
I trained as a massage therapist after years as a counselor and spiritual care provider. I am especially interested in working with people who have experienced loss and/or trauma, and I have observed that, as some bodyworkers say, “the body remembers what the mind forgets.” (Muscle Memory and Massage Therapy)
Trauma and grief affect every system of our body, usually in hidden ways, such as chronic muscle tightness. I am intrigued with the power of massage to help us heal through safe touch, helping our muscles relax, and practice keeping our mind and body together.
I received my M.S. in Pastoral Counseling and LPC licensure in Colorado and Michigan. In spiritual care, I received my M.Div. and worked as a hospice chaplain in Three Rivers. With my Michigan massage therapy license, I am offering traditional massage therapy, trauma-informed massage and hospice massage. I am excited to be part of the Brain Body Therapy team, which includes our bodies in the healing process. I look forward to working together with you.